Blog | JH6 Autoshop

Oil Squirters on the M104 – Do You Really Need ...

Oil squirters—do you actually need them on your M104 build, or did Mercedes know what they were doing when they removed them? Some say they’re essential for piston cooling, while...

Oil Squirters on the M104 – Do You Really Need ...

Oil squirters—do you actually need them on your M104 build, or did Mercedes know what they were doing when they removed them? Some say they’re essential for piston cooling, while...

The Best Gearbox for Your M104 Swap – What Actu...

Swapping a Mercedes M104 is one thing—choosing the right gearbox is another. Go with the wrong one, and you'll either be screaming at 4,000 RPM on the highway or dealing...

The Best Gearbox for Your M104 Swap – What Actu...

Swapping a Mercedes M104 is one thing—choosing the right gearbox is another. Go with the wrong one, and you'll either be screaming at 4,000 RPM on the highway or dealing...